Really really sorry fer the late post. Juz couldnt find the time.. chao lmsc and pk/hfs. Haiz..took up 4 days in total. Lasting from 7am-7pm. == So anyways wanted to blog bout the chalet! Hhaha...was busy organising that i forgot to take pics...most of them not wif me summore..sheesh. So here are some pics which i managed to salvage.
It was a 3D2N one. Yeap...played many games ...not mentioning the hard-core xbox-ers Most took place at the beach ...but second day sad la...all tired T.T all the bombs went to waste. xD
During our truth or dare/talk kok Some dares: leon ate cup noodles wif whipped cream. Winston drank green tea topped with even more whipped cream. Much pinching took place aww truths will not be displayed xD. there were many many weird dares though .
See the job of the Sai gang warriors. Haiz ...salute u man. Thanks deon,gerald,cas,jackie,me and a few more for taking the role of sai gang warriors! Thats gerald fer yr info.
This is a pic of the place whr we held our games...if u see the middle of the pic..all the way in the background ..theres a big bush by the beach..yeap theres where we hid. orh yea...i rmbred blind was hilarious i muz say. WAter game...o man...BARNEY ROCKS. We were the tankers of this game == wa jia lat lol.
yeap ..arnd 28 made it to the chalet..played many games..hoped you guys enjoyed as much as i did. Chao...sian..hw...damn.
orh yea...there were still many things which i did not mentioned...coz no pics ah..haha. orh yea..catch nite in the museum 2 ! it was funny haha.