Just came back from China-Macau. Had a real great time there. Firstly i have to say that i was owned by the wind . Badly. It was about 9 degrees i think. Came down from the plane and waallaa. Freezed. So anyways, proceeded from there to our hotel...if im not wrong its..errr..Metro Park something something hotel xD cant really remember haha. Orh yea. Macau foods are most probably cooked in Cantonese style...so...yea..didnt really liked it. Kay ..this is getting boring... day 2 rocked.
Day 2
Went to some museum thingy...took quite alot of nice photos lol.Ill get straight to the point ...we played with FIREWORKS at night. Real fireworks..those you can never use in Sg. Lemme give you an example of how gay these things are. It was damn loud..just imagine gettin gun shots fired beside your ear...for the whole time you're there lol. Half-way through you would see some gay machine gun shooting fireworks out...its pure nonsense, can kill de leh lol. My grandpa couldnt light the fire missile, sad lo...
Fyi my bro and sis
Jump shot
One of my uncles
Took many pics on top of the museum..cant find waliew.
The eclipse i guess?
Had many more vids but all too long T.T
Im skipping alot of stuff. So anways went to some theme park called Fisherman's Warth. It was quite interesting...80% area 20% games. So since we were there, might as well try out the games. :l Played bumper cars xD. And of course, the one and only, War Game. Armed with helmets masks, rifles (REG) ammo, knee pads , vests, its juz like CS.
Not childish hor =S
Some weird flavoured chips( Takoyaki and Sushi)
Fast and furious =/
I managed to take a little short clip after the match ...btw me, my bro and sis lost to our uncles including dad 3-1. One of my uncle gone through sniper training...what else can i say..grr. sorry u nida tilt yr head. Took the video illegally lol.
Couldnt take during match..haiz
Saw this cute little pony so took a vid xD
So ended the day with bruises from the pallets which hit me..argh...15mins and its enuf to tire out anyone man...seriously..
Day 4
Chai Sen Ye and me :/
Nothing much on the last day...kinda slacked throughout the day watching Mr Bean. Yea..more or less the highlights of the trip. Skipped alot ..haha
Haha...first post so not up to standard xD..please give your comments ...but dun so kua zhang can le thanks =) plz write your links in cbox so can add you guys.